Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Not sure

I'm not completely sure, but lately, I've felt really sick. It's not just my body, but my mentality feels weak. It seems dead. Not sure why I feel like this. I'm so tired lately, so I don't think taht helps very much either. My forehead is hot, my eyes sting, I can't get a good night's sleep. If I lay down get I get up I gasp for air while blood rushes to my face. I always feel so cold. My mental state is very questionable. I'm having these images in my head of sick people. The drawings I make seem like something an insane person would think of. There all of stitched up people who have been mutalated or extremely skinny people. Yestarday I went looking in my room for a blade so I could feel something. I haven't been able to feel anything myself. For that matter, I haven't really felt any emotion for a while. It's all been faked. If it's not faked smile, I was most likely using sarcism when talking to someone. There was only this one time, I did not fake or use sarcism, it was to say what I knew was right, but I didn't feel it was so. My mind keeps on running things I did before, bad things. Not the type of bad thing that are like stealing, but the type of emoral things. Like barfing & cutting, always in my mind. Right after a meal I would run to the bathroom after i finshed the dishes, turn on the tap so nobody could hear me. I'd be on my knees, staring in the mirror. Always just thinking, I'm not skinny enough. I have to admit, I did lose weight. I am currently 108. But I wish the mirror would lie, but it never did. Icould always see a curve that repulsed me. I tried so hard to get to barf enough. I used to cut myself, just to feel something. Sometimes I would just feel so cold, so emotionless. Tears would roll off of my cheeks, but feeling nothing, just an empty feeling. It was a hunger to cut, to feel that everything was real. I could feel the sting for the cuts. The more I'd cut, the more I felt a filling. It was a twisted feeling, but I enjoyed it. I would lick of the blood for a sickly twisted & slightly energizing feeling. I hope all of these thought pass. Going back to school like this would be horrible, painful, angering. I just have to say if anybody tries to give me a lecture, which I've heard it all before, trust me, it doesn't help, it really pushes you more into doing it.


  1. Eliza, I know I can't empathize with you because I haven't ever had the same problem, so I wouldn't know what exactly you're going through. But you and I both know cutting solves nothing! D: You say it distracts you... but, what if you have an even better distraction? Like.. MOI! You should come over to my house sometime soon. That could keep your mind off of things. And we could have fun at the same time! Like bake a butt-shaped cake, then offer Bunseng a slice. Heehee. Well anyways Eliza, just remember that you have me, your dear Juliekins (L)


    Please...don't... :(

  4. we love you <333
    well, EYEEEEE love you! :(

  5. Well, Julie's right. Most of your friends don't go through the same things you do. So it's hard to understand. But, you know we care, right? Like, I'll be honest with you, I didn't do the same things you did but I felt the same. Instead of losing weight. I tried to GAIN some. I forced myself to eat mcDonalds and the highest I would go is 118! I was like .... damn.
    And if you need a distraction, then just come to Mari's house, baby, and we can get distracted all you want ;D <3

  6. And then we all can go to Pmall and hit on cute guys D: and then do random things that would attract them :D and then we can get their numbers ..!! and and!
    We will all be happy together :0
